August 2018
“Angels on Tap” is a comedy set in a bar frequented by disgruntled angels.
July 2018. “Angels on Tap” screened at the Arena Cinelounge for 1 week, July 13th-19th 2018 in Hollywood, California.
"Angels on Tap"
Written By: Burt Prelutsky
Directed By: Trudy Sargent
Produced By:
Howie O Productions & Entertainment
Stephen Anthony Ralston as Cyrus. "The Angel of Travel"
October 2016 from Crowned One Entertainment: "The Curse of Dr. Stephens". A live event with a Parlour Style setup in the style of a Classic Monster Movie. Ralston took the stage as Dr. Stephens, with 25 minutes of live performance. A truly magical evening written and directed by Stephen Anthony Ralston.
Pictured below:
July 2016
Stephen Anthony Ralston produced, wrote, & directed the entertainment for a wine dinner at a popular Prime Steakhouse in the Inland Empire.
The wine dinner featured Stephen Anthony performing strolling table side magic and a 25 minute live magic show.